Most of these papers are either posted off my research groupÕs publication website, which is updated much more frequently than this list, or can be downloaded via links from an academic search engine, such as Google Scholar.  More info on the older stuff may be on my old publications page.  This list is up to date as of January 13, 2016.



            Papers in Refereed Journals: 


1)    Gillian, N. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒThe Gesture Recognition Toolkit,Ó Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 15, October 2014, pp. 3483-3487.


2)    Zoran, A., Shilkrot, R., Goyal, P., Maes, P., Paradiso, J.A., ÒThe Wise Chisel: The Rise of the Smart Handheld Tool,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing, 13(3), July-Sept. 2014, pp.48-57.


3)    Ray, S.D, Gong, N.-W., Glicksman, L.R., Paradiso, J.A., ÒExperimental characterization of full-scale naturally ventilated atrium and validation of CFD simulations,Ó Energy and Buildings, Volume 69, February 2014, pp. 285–291.


4)    Zoran, A., Shilkrot, R., Nanyakkara, S., Paradiso, J., ÒThe Hybrid Artisans: A Case Study in Smart Tools,Ó ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. (ToCHI), Vol. 21, No. 3, Article 15 (June 2014), 29 pages.


5)    Mittal, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒUbicorder: A Mobile Device for Situated Interactions with Sensor Networks,Ó IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3, March 2011, pp. 818-828.


6)    Zoran, A. and Paradiso, J.A. ÒThe Chameleon Guitar-Guitar with a Replaceable Resonator,Ó in Journal of New Music Research, 40.1 (2011), pp. 59–74.


7)    Paradiso, J.A., Gips, J., Laibowitz, M., Sadi, S., Merrill, D., Aylward, R., Maes, P., and Pentland, A., ÒIdentifying and Facilitating Social Interaction with a Wearable Wireless Sensor Network,Ó in the Springer Journal of Personal & Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 14, Number 2, February 2010, pp 137-152.


8)    Lifton, J., Laibowitz, M., Harry, D., Gong, N.W., Mittal, M. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒMetaphor and Manifestation – Cross Reality with Ubiquitous Sensor/Actuator Networks,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, July-September 2009 (vol. 8 no. 3), pp. 24-33


9)    Bamberg, S.J.M., Benbasat A.Y., Scarborough D.M., Krebs D.E., Paradiso J.A., "Gait analysis using a shoe-integrated wireless sensor system," IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 12, No. 4, July 2008, pp. 413-423. Winner of the IEEE (EMB) Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 2012 Outstanding Paper Award.


10) Feldmeier, M. and Paradiso, J.A., ÓAn Interactive Music Environment for Large Groups with Giveaway Wireless Motion Sensors,ÓComputer Music Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1 (Spring 2007), pp. 50-67.


11) Broxton, M., Lifton, J., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒLocalization on the Pushpin Computing Sensor Network Using Spectral Graph Drawing and Mesh Relaxation,Ó ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Vol. 10, No. 1, January 2006, pp. 1-12.


12) Paradiso, J.A., and Leo, C-K, ÒTracking and Characterizing Knocks Atop Large Interactive Displays,Ó Sensor Review, 25:2, (invited paper in special issue on vibration and impact sensing), Vol. 25, No. 2, 2005, pp. 134-143.


13) Paradiso, J.A. and Starner, T., ÒEnergy Scavenging for Mobile and Wireless Electronics,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 4, No. 1, February 2005, pp. 18-27.


14) Paradiso, J.A., Lifton. J., and Broxton, M., ÒSensate Media - Multimodal Electronic Skins as Dense Sensor Networks,Ó BT Technology Journal, 22(4), October 2004, pp. 32-44.


15) Paradiso, J.A., OÕModhrain S., ÒCurrent Trends in Electronic Music Interfaces,Ó Journal of New Music Research, Vol. 32, No. 4, December 2003, pp. 345-349.


16) Paradiso, J.A., Pardue, L.S., Hsiao, K, Benbasat, A.Y., ÒElectromagnetic Tagging for Electronic Music Interfaces,Ó Journal of New Music Research, Vol. 32, No. 4, December 2003, pp. 395-409.


17) Paradiso, J.A. "Tracking Contact and Free Gesture Across Large Interactive Surfaces," Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, No. 7, July 2003, pp. 62-68.


18) Shenck, N.S., Paradiso, J.A., "Energy Scavenging with Shoe-Mounted Piezoelectrics," IEEE Micro, Vol. 21, No. 3, May-June 2001, pp. 30-42.


19) Paradiso, J.A., Hsiao, K., Strickon, J., Lifton, J. and Adler, A., ÒSensor Systems for Interactive Surfaces,Ó IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 39, No. 3&4, October 2000, pp. 892-914.


20) Paradiso, J.A., Hsiao, K., Benbasat, A. and Teegarden, Z., ÒDesign and Implementation of Expressive Footwear,Ó IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 39, No. 3&4, October 2000, pp. 511-529.


21) Paradiso, J.A. "The Brain Opera Technology: New Instruments and Gestural Sensors for Musical Interaction and Performance," Journal of New Music Research, 28(2), 1999, pp. 130-149.


22) Smith, J., White, T., Dodge, C., Allport, D., Paradiso, J. and Gershenfeld, N., "Electric Field Sensing for Graphical Interfaces," IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 18, N. 3, May-June 1998, pp. 54-60.


23) Paradiso, J.A., "Electronic Music Interfaces: New Ways to Play," IEEE Spectrum  (cover article), Vol. 34, No. 12, December 1997, pp. 18-30.


24) Paradiso, J.A., Gershenfeld, N., "Musical Applications of Electric Field Sensing," Computer Music Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, Summer 1997, pp. 69-89.


25) Paradiso, J.A., "New Technologies for Monitoring the Precision Alignment of Large Detector Systems," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A386, 1997, pp. 409-420.


26) Paradiso, J.A., "The Interactive Balloon: Sensing, Actuation, and Behavior in a Common Object," IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 35, Nos. 3&4, 1996, pp. 473-487.


27) Korytov, A., Osborne, L., Paradiso, J., Rosenson, L., Taylor, F., "Multi-Point Wide-Range Precision Alignment Technique for the GEM Detector," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A343, 1994, pp. 428-434.


28) Aziz, T., et al., "A Precision Experiment On Electrons, Photons and Muons at LHC," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A325, 1994, pp. 23-91.


29) Paradiso, J.A., "Global Steering of Single Gimballed Control Moment Gyroscopes using a Directed Search," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 15, No. 5, September-October 1992, pp. 1236-1244.


30) Paradiso, J.A., "Adaptable Method of Managing Jets and Aerosurfaces for Aerospace Vehicle Control," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 14, No. 1, January-February 1991, pp. 44-50.


31) Dzielski, J., Bergmann, E., Paradiso, J., Rowell, D., Wormley, D., "An Approach to CMG Steering Using Feedback Linearization," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 14, No. 1, January-February 1991, pp. 96-106.


32) Bedrossian, N., Paradiso, J., Bergmann, E., Rowell, D., "Steering Law Designs for Redundant SGCMG Systems," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 13, No. 6, November-December 1990, pp. 1083-1089.


33) Bedrossian, N., Paradiso, J., Bergmann, J., Rowell, D., "Redundant Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope Singularity Analysis," Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 13, No. 6, November-December, 1990, pp. 1096-1090.


34) Antreasyan, D., et al., "Associated multiplicities in mu -pair events at the ISR," Nuovo Cimento A, Vol.99A, Ser.2, No.5, May 1988, pp. 595-617.


35) Commichau, V., et al., "Test of a High Resolution Drift Chamber Prototype," Nuclear Instruments and Methods, A235, 1985, pp. 267-278.


36) Becker, U. and Paradiso, J.A., "An Optical CCD-based System for Precise Drift Chamber Positioning," Nuclear Instruments and Methods, 196, 1982, pp. 381-386.


37) Ambrosio, M., et al., "Measurements of Elastic Scattering in Alpha-Alpha and Alpha-Proton Collisions at the CERN Intersecting Storage Rings," Physics Letters 113B, 1982, pp. 347-352.


38) Antreasyan, D., et al., "Associated Hadronic Production in Muon-Pair Events at the ISR," Nuclear Physics B 199, 1982, pp. 365-380.


39) Antreasyan, D., et al., "Dimuon Scaling Comparison at 44 and 62 GeV," Physical Review Letters 48, 1982, pp. 302-304.


40) Antreasyan, D., et al., "Production Dynamics of High-Mass Muon Pairs," Physical Review Letters, 47, 1981, pp. 12-15.


41) Antreasyan, D., et al., "Measurement of Dimuon Production at s = 62 GeV," Physical Review Letters, 45, 1980, pp. 863-866.


42) Barber, D.P. et al., "Study of Electron-Positron Collisions at the Highest PETRA Energy," Physics Letters 85B, 1979, pp. 463-466.


43) Barber, D.P. et al., "Test of Universality of Charged Leptons," Physical Review Letters, 43, 1979, pp. 1915-1918.


44)  Barber, D.P., et al., "Study of Electron-Positron Collisions at Center of Mass Energies of 27.4 and 27.7 GeV at PETRA," Physical Review Letters, 43, 1979, pp. 901-903.


45) Barber, D.P., et al., "Discovery of 3-Jet Events and a Test of Quantum Chromodynamics at PETRA," Physical Review Letters, 43, 1979, pp. 830-833.


46) Barber, D., et al., "Test of Quantum Electrodynamics at s = 13 and 17 GeV," Physical Review Letters, 42, 1979, p. 1113-1117.


47) Barber, D., et al., "Measurement of the Relative Total Hadronic Cross-Section R at PETRA," Physical Review Letters, 42, 1979, pp. 1110-1113.



            Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings:



1)    Dementyev, A., Kao, H-L, Choi, I., Ajilo, D., Xu, M., Paradiso, J.A., Schmandt, C., and Follmer, S., ÔRovables: Miniature On-Body Robots as Mobile Wearables,Õ in Proc. of ACM UIST 2016, Tokyo, October 16-19, 2016, pp. 111-120.  Best Paper Award


2)    Nakagaki, K., Dementyev, A., Follmer, S., Paradiso, J., and Ishii, H., ÔChainFORM: A Linear Integrated Modular Hardware System for Shape Changing Interfaces,Õ in Proc. of ACM UIST 2016, October 16-19, 2016.


3)    Liu, X., Vega, K., Qian, J., Paradiso, J., and Maes, P., ÒFluxa: Body Movements as a Social Display,Ó in Adj. Proc. of UIST 2016, October 16-19, 2016, pp. 155-157.


4)    Paradiso, J. et al, Ò(UnderWare) Aesthetic, Expressive, and Functional On-Skin Technologies,Ó in Ubicomp/ISWC 2016 Adjunct Proceedings, Heidelberg Germany, Sept. 12-16, 2016.


5)    Orner, B.A., Reilly, D.E., Chase, A., Deokar, V., Linder, S.P., Goyal, P., Paradiso, J.A., and Zuckerman, E., ÒSambaza Watts: a nano-grid for accessing and sharing energy,Ó in the Proc. of the CIRED Workshop, Helsinki Finland, June 14-15, 2016, Paper 0348.


6)    Cherston, J., Hill, E., Goldfarb, S. and Paradiso, J., ÒMusician and Mega-Machine: Compositions Driven by Real-Time Particle Collision Data from the ATLAS Detector,Ó in Proc. of the NIME 2016 Conference, Brisbane Australia, July 11-15, 2016.


7)    Lynch, E. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒSensorChimes: Musical Mapping for Sensor Networks,Ó in Proc. of the NIME 2016 Conference, Brisbane Australia, July 11-15, 2016.


8)    Xiao, X, Haddad, D.D., Sanchez, T., van Troyer, A., Kleinberger, R., Webb, P. Paradiso, J., Machover, T., and Ishii, H., ÒKinéphone: Exploring the Musical Potential of an Actuated Pin-Based Shape Display,Ó Proc. of the NIME 2016 Conference, Brisbane Australia, July 11-15, 2016.


9)    Kao, H-L, Mohan, M., Vega, K., Schmandt, C., and Paradiso, J.A., ÔChromoSkin: Towards Interactive Cosmetics Using Thermochromic Pigments,Õ in Proc. of CHI 2016, May 2016, pp. 3703-3706.


10) Cherston, J., Hill, E., Goldfarb, S., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒSonification Platform for Interaction with Real-Time Particle Collision Data from the ATLAS Detector,Ó in Proc. of CHI 2016, May 2016, pp. 1647-1653.


11) Liu, X., Vega, K., Maes, P., and Paradiso, J.A., ÔWearability Factors for Skin Interfaces,Õ in Proc. of the ACM Augmented Human Conference, Geneva Switzerland, February 2016. Best Paper Award (second prize).


12) Russell, S., Dublon, G., and Paradiso, J.A., ÔHearThere: Networked Sensory Prosthetics Through Auditory Augmented Reality,Õ to be presented at the ACM Augmented Human Conference, Geneva Switzerland, February 2016.


13) Azaria, A., Mayton, B., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒThumbs-Up: Wearable Sensing Device for Detecting Hand-to-Mouth Compulsive Habits,Ó to be presented at the 9Õth International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES 2016), Rome Italy, February 2016.


14) Zhao, N., Aldrich, M., Reinhart, C.F., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA multidimensional continuous contextual lighting control system using Google Glass,Ó in Proc. of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys 2015), Nov. 2015. Best Presentation Award


15) Dementyev, A., Kao, H-L, and Paradiso, J.A., ÒSensorTape: Modular and Programable 3D-Aware Dense Sensor Network on a Tape,Ó in Proc. of ACM UIST (User interface software and technology) November, 2015.


16) Benavides, X., Zhu, Chang Long, Maes, P., Paradiso, Joseph A., ÒKickSoul: A Wearable System for Feet Interactions with Digital Devices,Ó in Proc. of ACM UIST (User interface software and technology) November, 2015.


17) Zhao, N. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒHALO: wearable lighting,Ó in Adjunct Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp. 601-606, Sept. 7-11, 2015. ISWC Design Exhibition Best Aesthetics Award


18) Amores, J., Maes, P., and Paradiso, J., ÒBin-ary: Detecting the State of Organic Trash to Prevent Insalubrity,Ó Ubicomp 2015 (ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing), Sept. 7-11, 2015.


19) Zhao, N., Dublon, G., Gillian, N., Dementyev, A., Paradiso, J., ÒEMI Spy: Harnessing Electromagnetic Interference for Low-Cost, Rapid Prototyping of Proxemic Interaction,Ó presented at the 2015 International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN '15), June 2015.


20) Haddad, D.D., Tome, B., Machover, T., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒMMODM: Massively Multipler Online Drum Machine,Ó presented at International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME Ô15), Baton-Rouge, LA, 2015.


21) Ramsay, D.B., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒGroupLoop: A Collaborative, Network-Enabled Audio Feedback Instrument,Ó presented at International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME Ô15), Baton-Rouge, LA, 2015.


22) Kleinberger, R., Dublon, G., Paradiso, J.A., and Machover, T., ÒPHOX Ears: A Parabolic, Head-mounted, Orientable, eXtrasensory Listening Device presented at International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME Ô15), Baton-Rouge, LA, 2015.


23) Kao, H-L., Dementyev, A., Paradiso, J.A., and Schmandt, C., ÒNailO: Fingernails as Input Surfaces,Ó in Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'15), Seoul Korea, April 18-23, 2015, pp. 3015-3018. Honorable Mention for Best Paper


24) Russell, S. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒHypermedia APIs for sensor data: A pragmatic approach to the Web of Things,Ó in the Proceedings of ACM Mobiquitous 2014, London UK, December 2014, pp. 30-39.


25) Dementyev, A. and Paradiso, J.,  ÒWristFlex: Low-Power Gesture Input with Wrist-Worn Pressure Sensors,Ó in the Proceedings of UIST 2014, the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, Honolulu Hawaii, October 2014, pp. 161-166.


26) Goyal, P., Maes, P., Paradiso, J., ÒNishanchi: CAD for hand-fabrication,Ó in the Adjunct Proceedings of UIST 2014, the 27th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, Honolulu Hawaii, October 2014, pp. 63-64.


27) Gillian, N., Pfenninger, S., Russell, S., and Paradiso. J.A., ÒGestures Everywhere: A Multimodal Sensor Fusion and Analysis Framework for Pervasive Displays,Ó In Proceedings of The International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis '14), Sven Gehring (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, June 2014, pp. 98-103.


28) Way, D. and Paradiso, J., ÒA Usability User Study Concerning Free-Hand Microgesture and Wrist-Worn Sensors,Ó In Proceedings of the 2014 11th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN '14). IEEE Computer Society, June 2104, pp. 138-142.


29) Dublon, G, Paradiso, J. A., ÒFingerSynth: Wearable Transducers for Exploring the Environment and Playing Music Everywhere,Ó in International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME Ô14), London, U.K., 2014, pp. 134-135.


30) Dublon, G., Portocarrerro, E., Bove, V.M., Paradiso, J.A., ÒListenTree: Audio Haptic Display in the Natural Environment,Ó in Proc. of the International Community for Auditory Display (ICAD Õ14), New York, NY, 2014, 2 pages.


31) Gong, N.-W., Steimle, J., Olberding, S., Hodges, S., Gillian, N., Kawahara, Y., and Paradiso, J., ÒPrintSense: A Versatile Sensing Technique to Support Multimodal Flexible Surface InteractionÓ In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI'14), Toronto Canada, April 2014, pp. 1407-1410.


32) Aldrich, M., Badshah, A., Mayton, B., Paradiso, J.A., ÒRandom Walk and Lighting Control,Ò in Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Sensors Conference, Baltimore, MD, November 2013, 4 pages.


33) Zoran, A., Shilkrot, R., Paradiso, J.A. ÒHumancomputer interaction for hybrid carving,Ó in Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST 2013), October 2013, pp. 433-440.


34)  Olberding, S., Gong, N.-W., Tiab, J., Paradiso, J. A., Steimle, J., ÒA Cuttable Multi-touch Sensor,Ó in Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST 2013), October 2013, pp. 245-254.


35) Goyal, P., Agrawal, H., Paradiso, J,A., and Maes, P., ÒBoardLab: PCB as an interface to EDA software,Ó In Proceedings of the adjunct publication of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST '13 Adjunct), October 2013, pp. 19-20.


36) Gong, N.-W., Zoran, A., Paradiso, J.A., ÒInkjet-printed Conductive Patterns for Physical Manipulation of Audio Signals,Ó in the Adjunct Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST 2013), pp. 13-14.


37) Mayton, Brian D., Zhao, N., Aldrich, M., Gillian, N., Paradiso, Joseph A., ÒWristQue: A personal sensor wristband,Ó in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN Ô13), pp.1-6, 2013. Best Session Paper


38) Zoran, A. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒFreeD – A Freehand Digital Sculpting ToolÓ, in The 31st International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13). ACM, Paris, France, April/May 2013, pp. 2613-2616. Best Paper Award


39) Gong, N.-W., Zhao, N., Paradiso, J.A., ÒConductive inkjet printed DIY music control surface,Ó in CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '13). ACM, April/May 2013, pp. 2895-2896.


40) Joliat, N., Mayton, B., Paradiso, J.A., ÒSpatialized Anonymous Audio for Browsing Sensor Networks Via Virtual Worlds,Ó in The19th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), Lodz, Poland, July 2013, pp. 67-75.


41) Gong, N-W., Wang, C-Y., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒLow-cost Sensor Tape for Environmental Sensing Based on Roll-to-roll Manufacturing Process,Ó in IEEE SENSORS 2012, Taipei, October 2012, 4 pages.


42) Gong, N-W., Ware, L., Ray, S., Ware, G., Leida, B., Ren, T., London, P., Turza, A., Way, D., Glicksman, L., Paradiso J.A., ÒDense, Low-Power Sensor Network for Three-Dimensional Thermal Characterization of Large-Scale Atria Spaces,Ó in IEEE SENSORS 2012, Taipei, October 2012, 4 pages.


43) Mayton, B., Dublon, G., Palacios, S., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒTRUSS: Tracking Risk with Ubiquitous Smart Sensing,Ó in IEEE SENSORS 2012, Taipei, October 2012, 4 pages.


44) Gong, N-W, Zhao, N., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Customizable Sensate Surface for Music Control,Ó in Proceedings of NIME 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2012, pp. 417-420.


45) Gillian, N. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒDigito: A Fine-Grain Gesturally Controlled Virtual Musical Instrument,Ó in Proceedings of NIME 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2012, pp. 39-42.


46) Mayton, B., Dublon, G., Joliat, N. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒPatchwork: Multi-User Network Control of a Massive Modular Synthesizer,Ó in Proceedings of NIME 2012, Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 2012, pp. 453-456.


47) Dublon, G. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒTongueduino: hackable, high-bandwidth sensory augmentation,Ó In CHI '12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '12). ACM, May 2102, pp. 1453-1454.


48) Zoran, A. and Paradiso, J.A., The FreeD-A Handheld Digital Milling Device for Craft and Fabrication, in Adjunct proceedings of the 25th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology (UIST Adjunct Proceedings '12), Oct 7-10, 2012, pp. 3-4.


49) Lapinski, M., Feldmeier, M. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒWearable Wireless Sensing for Sports and Ubiquitous Interactivity,Ó in IEEE SENSORS 2011, Limerick Ireland, Oct. 28-31, 2011, pp. 1425-1428.


50) Dublon, G., Pardue, L. S., Mayton, B., Swartz, N., Joliat, N., Hurst, P. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒDoppelLab: Tools for Exploring and Harnessing Multimodal Sensor Network Data,Ó in IEEE SENSORS 2011, Limerick Ireland, Oct. 28-31, 2011, pp. 1612-1615.


51) Bainbridge, R. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒWireless Hand Gesture Capture Through Wearable Passive Tag Sensing,Ó in International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN Ô11), Dallas, TX, May 23-25, 2011, pp. 200-204.


52) Reben, A. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Mobile Interactive Robot for Gathering Structured Social Video,Ó in Proceedings of ACM Multimedia '11, Scottsdale, Arizona, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2011, pp. 917-920.


53) Gong, N.-W., Hodges, S, and Paradiso, J.A., ÒLeveraging Conductive Inkjet Technology to Build a Scalable and Versatile Surface for Ubiquitous Sensing,Ó In Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp '11), Bejing, Sept. 17-21, 2011, pp 45-54.


54) Lee, B., Aldrich, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒMethods for Measuring Work Surface Illuminance in Adaptive Solid State Lighting Networks,Ó in Proc. SPIE 8123, 81230V, San Diego CA, September 23, 2011, 10 pages.


55) Feldmeier, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒPersonalized HVAC Control System,Ó in Proc. of Internet of Things (IoT) 2010, Tokyo Japan, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2010, 8 pages.


56) Gong, N-W., Laibowitz, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒDynamic Privacy Management in Pervasive Sensor Networks,Ó in Proc. of Ambient Intelligence (AmI) 2010, Malaga, Spain, 25-29 October 2010, pp. 96-106.


57) Laibowitz, M., Gong, N-W., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒMultimedia Content Creation using Societal-Scale Ubiquitous Camera Networks and Human-Centric Wearable Sensing,Ó in Proc. of ACM Multimedia 2010, Florence Italy, 25-29 October 2010, pp. 571-580.


58) Aldrich, M., Zhao, N., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒEnergy Efficient Control of Polychromatic Solid-State Lighting Using a Sensor Network,Ó in Proc. SPIE (OP10) 7784, San Diego CA, August 1-5, 2010, 15 pages.


59) Gong, N-W., Laibowitz, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒExperiences and Challenges in Deploying Potentially Invasive Sensor Systems for Dynamic Media Applications,Ó in Proc. of the Cloud-Mobile Convergence for Virtual Reality Workshop (CMCVR 2010), Waltham MA, March 20, 2010, pp. 18-21.


60) Mistree, B.F.T., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒChainMail – A Configurable Multimodal Lining to Enable Sensate Surfaces and Interactive Objects,Ó in Proc. of the Fourth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, (TEI 2010), Cambridge MA, January 25-27, 2010, pp. 65-72.


61) Lapinski, M., Berkson, E., Gill, T., Reinold, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Distributed Wearable, Wireless Sensor System for Evaluating Professional Baseball Pitchers and Batters,Ó in Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC 2009), Linz, Austria, September 4-7, 2009, pp. 131-138.


62) Lifton, J. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒDual Reality: Merging the Real and Virtual,Ó in Proceedings of the First International ICST Conference on Facets of Virtual Environments (FaVE), Berlin, Germany, 27-29 July 2009, Springer LNICST 33, pp. 12-28.


63) Laibowitz, M., Gong, N-W., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒWearable Sensing for Dynamic Management of Dense Ubiquitous Media,Ó in the Proc. of the Sixth International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2009), Berkeley, CA, June 3-5, 2009, pp. 3-8.


64) Gong, N.W., Laibowitz, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒMusicGrip: A Writing Instrument for Music Control,Ó in Proceedings of NIME 2009, Pittsburgh, PA, June 4-6, 2009, pp. 74-77.


65) Reben, A., Laibowitz, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒResponsive Music Interfaces for Performance,Ó in Proceedings of NIME 2009, Pittsburgh, PA, June 4-6, 2009, pp. 37-38.


66) Vaucelle, C., Ishii, H., and Paradiso, J. A., ÒCost-effective wearable sensor to detect EMF,Ó In Proceedings of the 27th international Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Boston, MA, USA, April 04 - 09, 2009). CHI '09. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 4309-4314.


67) Vaucelle, C., Ishii, H., and Paradiso, J. A., ÒElectromagnetic Field Detector Bracelet,Ó in the Adjunct Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing 2008 (Seoul, Korea, September 21 - 24, 2008). UbiComp '08, vol. 344. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 109-112.


68) Robert Jacobs, Mark Feldmeier, Joseph A. Paradiso, ÒA Mobile Music Environment Using a PD Compiler and Wireless Sensors,Ó in Proceedings of NIME 2008, Genoa, Italy, September 10, June 5-7, 2008, pp. 193-196.


69) Dutta, P., Feldmeier, M., Paradiso, J., and Culler, D., ÒEnergy Metering for Free: Augmenting Switching Regulators for Real-Time Monitoring,Ó in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), St. Louis, MO, 22-24 April 2008, pp. 283-294. Best Paper Award in Track on Sensor Platforms, Tools, and Design Methods (SPOTSÕ08).


70) Malinowski, M., Moskwa, M., Feldmeier, M., Laibowitz, M., Paradiso, J.A., ÒCargoNet: A Low-Cost MicroPower Sensor Node Exploiting Quasi-Passive Wakeup for Adaptive Asychronous Monitoring of Exceptional Events,Ó in Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSysÕ07), November 6–9, 2007, Sydney, Australia, pp. 145-159. Best Presentation Award at SenSys Õ07.


71) Ari Y. Benbasat and Joseph A. Paradiso, ÒA Framework for the Automated Generation of Power-Efficient Classifiers for Embedded Sensor Nodes,Ó in Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSysÕ07), November 6–9, 2007, Sydney, Australia, pp. 219 - 232.


72) Yasuhiro Ono, Joshua Lifton, Mark Feldmeier, Joseph A. Paradiso, ÒDistributed Acoustic Conversation Shielding: An Application of a Smart Transducer Network,Ó in Proceedings of the First ACM Workshop on Sensor/Actuator Networks (SANET 07), Montreal, Canada, September 10, 2007, pp. 27-34.


73) Lifton, J., Feldmeier, M., Ono, Y., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Platform for Ubiquitous Sensor Deployment in Occupational and Domestic EnvironmentsÓ in the Proc. of the Sixth International IEEE/ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 07), Cambridge, MA, April 25-27, pp. 119-127. Best Paper Award in Track on Sensor Platforms, Tools, and Design Methods (SPOTS), 2007.


74) Aylward, R. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Compact, High-Speed, Wearable Sensor Network for Biomotion Capture and Interactive Media,Ó in the Proc. of the Sixth International IEEE/ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 07), Cambridge, MA, April 25-27, 2007, pp. 380 - 389.


75) Benbasat, A.Y. and Paradiso J.A., ÒGroggy Wakeup - Automated Generation of Power-Efficient Detection Hierarchies for Embedded Sensors,Ó in the Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2007), Aachen, Germany, March 26-28, 2007, pp. 59-64.


76) Aylward, R. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒSensemble: A Wireless, Compact, Multi-User Sensor System for Interactive Dance,Ó in the Proc. of the 2006 International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME06), Paris, France, June 4-8, 2006, pp. 134-139.


77) Aylward, R., Lovell, S.D., Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Compact, Wireless, Wearable Sensor Network for Interactive Dance Ensembles,Ó in the Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2006), Cambridge MA, April 3-5, 2006, pp. 65-68.


78) Laibowitz, M., Gips, J., Aylward, R., Pentland, A., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Sensor Network for Social Dynamics,Ó in the Proc. of the Fifth International IEEE/ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 06), Nashville, TN, April 19-21, 2006, pp. 483-491.


79) Barroeta Perez, G., Malinowski, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒAn Ultra-Low Power, Optically-Interrogated Smart Tagging and Identification System,Ó in Proc. of Auto ID 2005, The Fourth IEEE Workshop on Automatic Identification Advanced Technologies, Buffalo, NY, October 17-18, 2005, pp. pp. 187-192.


80) Laibowitz, M. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒParasitic Mobility for Pervasive Sensor Networks,Ó in H. W. Gellersen, R. Want and A. Schmidt (eds): Pervasive Computing, Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Pervasive 2005, Munich, Germany, May 2005, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 255-278 (winner of Best Paper Award).


81) Benbasat, A.Y. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Compact Modular Wireless Sensor System,Ó in the Proc. of the Fourth International IEEE/ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 05), Los Angeles, CA, April 25-27, 2005, IEEE Press, pp. 415-415.


82) Lifton, J., Broxton, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒExperiences and Directions in Pushpin Computing,Ó in the Proc. of the Fourth International IEEE/ACM Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 05), Los Angeles, CA, April 25-27, 2005, IEEE Press, pp. 416-421.


83) Merrill, D. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒPersonalization, Expressivity, and Learnability of an Implicit Mapping Strategy for Physical Interfaces,Ó in the Proc. of CHI '2005 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, ACM Press, Portland, OR, April 2-7, 2005, pp. 2152-2161.


84) Broxton, M., Lifton, J. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒLocalizing a Sensor Network via Collaborative Processing of Global Stimuli,Ó in the Proc. of the Second European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, January 31 - February 2, 2005, Springer-Verlag LNCS, pp. 321-332.


85) Benbasat, A.Y. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒDesign of a Real-Time Adaptive Power Optimal Sensor System,Ó in the Proc. of the 2004 IEEE Sensors Conference, Vienna, Austria, October 24-27, 2004, pp. 48-51.


86) Laibowitz, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒParasitic Mobility in Dynamically Distributed Sensor Networks,Ó in the Proc. of the First ACM Workshop on Applications of Mobile Embedded Systems (WAMES), June 6, 2004, 3 pages.


87) Richardson, B., Leydon, K., Fernstrom, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒZ-Tiles: Building Blocks for Modular, Pressure-Sensing Floorspaces,Ó in the Proc. of the ACM Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (CHI 2004), Extended Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, April 27-29, 2004, pp. 1529-1532.


88) Paradiso, J.A., Morris, S.J., Benbasat, A.Y., Asmussen, E., ÒInteractive Therapy with Instrumented Footwear,Ó in the Proc. of the ACM Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (CHI 2004), Extended Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, April 27-29, 2004, pp. 1341-1343.


89) Feldmeier, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒGiveaway Wireless Sensors for Large-Group Interaction,Ó in the Proc. of the ACM Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (CHI 2004), Extended Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, April 27-29, 2004, pp. 1291-1292.


90) Laibowitz, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒThe UbER-Badge, A Versatile Platform at the Juncture Between Wearable and Social Computing,Ó in Fersha, A., Hortner, H., Kostis, G. (eds), Advances in Pervasive Computing, Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2004, pp. 363-368.


91) Benbasat, A.Y., Morris, S.J, and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Wireless Modular Sensor Architecture and its Application in On-Shoe Gait Analysis,Ó in the Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Sensors, October 21-24, Toronto, Ontario, pp. 1086-1091.


92) Ma, H., White, J., Paradiso, J., and Slocum, A., ÒSub-nanometer Displacement Sensing for the Nanogate,Ó in the Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Sensors, October 21-24, Toronto, Ontario, pp. 46-51 (Best Student Paper, third prize).


93) Lifton, J., Broxton, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒDistributed Sensor Networks as Sensate Skin,Ó in the Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Sensors, October 21-24, Toronto, Ontario, pp. 743-747.


94) Barton, J., Delaney, K., Bellis, S., O'Mathuna, C., Paradiso, J.A., Benbasat, A., ÒDevelopment of distributed sensing systems of autonomous micro-modules,Ó in Proceedings of the IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference, May 27-30, 2003, pp. 1112-1118.


95) Morris, S.J. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒShoe-integrated sensor system for wireless gait analysis and real-time feedback,Ó Proceedings of the 2nd Joint IEEE EMBS (Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society) and BMES (the Biomedical Engineering Society) Conference, October, 2002, pp. 2468-2469.  


96) Ma, H. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒThe FindIT Flashlight: Responsive Tagging Based on Optically Triggered Microprocessor Wakeup,Ó in G. Borriello and L.E. Holmquist (Eds.): UbiComp 2002, LNCS 2498, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2002, pp. 160-167. 


97) McElligott, L., Dillon, M., Leydon, K., Richardson, B., Fernstrom, M., and Paradiso, J.A., Ò'ForSe FIElds' - Force Sensors for Interactive Environments,Ó in G. Borriello and L.E. Holmquist (Eds.): UbiComp 2002, LNCS 2498, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, October 2002, pp. 168-175.


98) Barton, J., Kelaney, K., O'Mathuna, C., and Paradiso J.A., ÒMiniature Modular Wireless Sensor Networks,Ó in L.E. Holmquist and P. Ljungstrand (Eds.): UbiComp 2002 Adjunct Proceedings, Viktoria Institute Press (Gothenburg Sweden), September 2002, pp. 25-26.


99) Feldmeier, M., Malinowski, M., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒLarge Group Musical Interaction using Disposable Wireless Motion Sensors,Ó in the Proceedings of the ICMC 2002 Conference, International Computer Music Association, San Francisco CA, September 2002, pp. 83-87. 


100)       Lifton, J., Seetharam, D., Broxton, M., and Paradiso, J., ÒPushpin Computing System Overview: a Platform for Distributed, Embedded, Ubiquitous Sensor Networks,Ó in F. Mattern and M. Naghshineh (eds): Pervasive 2002, Proceedings of the Pervasive Computing Conference, Zurich Switzerland, 26-28 August 2002, Springer Verlag LNCS, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 139-151. 


101)       Paradiso, J.A., Leo, C-K., Yu, N., and Downie, M. ÒThe Interactive Window,Ó in SIGGRAPH 2002, Conference Abstracts and Applications, ACM Press, 2002, p. 79. 


102)       Paradiso, J.A., Leo, C-K., Checka, N., and Hsiao, K., ÒPassive Acoustic Sensing for Tracking Knocks Atop Large Interactive Displays,Ó in the Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Volume 1, Orlando, Florida, June 11-14, 2002, pp. 521-527.


103)       Hasan, L., Yu, N., Paradiso, J.A. ÒThe Termenova: A Hybrid Free-Gesture Interface,Ó in Proceedings of the First International Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-02), Dublin Ireland, May 24-26, 2002, pp. 122-127.


104)       Pardue, L.S. and Paradiso, J.A. ÒMusical Navigatrics: New Musical Interactions with Passive Magnetic Tags,Ó in Proc. of the First International Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-02), Dublin Ireland, May 24-26, 2002, pp. 168-169. 


105)       Paradiso, J.A., Leo, C-K., Checka, N., and Hsiao, K., ÒPassive Acoustic Knock Tracking for Interactive Windows,Ó in the Proceedings of the ACM CHI2002 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Extended Abstracts, Minneapolis, MN, April 20-25, 2002, pp. 732-733. 


106)       Paradiso, J.A. and Feldmeier, M., " A Compact, Wireless, Self-Powered Pushbutton Controller," In Abowd, G.D., Brumitt, B., and Shafer, S., eds, "Ubicomp 2001: Ubiquitous Computing," ACM UBICOMP Conference Proceedings, Atlanta GA, Sept. 2001, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2001, pp. 299-304. 


107)       Benbasat, A. and Paradiso, J., " An Inertial Measurement Framework for Gesture Recognition and Applications,Ó in Ipke Wachsmuth, Timo Sowa (Eds.), Gesture and Sign Language in Human-Computer Interaction," Proc. of the International Gesture Workshop, GW 2001, London, UK, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2002, pp. 9-20.


108)       Benbasat, A. and Paradiso, J., "Compact, Configurable Inertial Gesture Recognition," Proc. of the ACM CHI '01 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Extended Abstracts, ACM Press, Seattle WA, April 2001, pp. 183-184.


109)       Paradiso, J., Hsiao, K, Strickon, J. and Rice, P., "New Sensor and Music Systems for Large Interactive Surfaces," Proc. of the International Computer Music Conference 2000 (ICMC 2000), Berlin, Germany, August 2000, pp. 277-280.


110)       Paradiso, J., Hsiao, K. and Benbasat, A., ÒMusical Trinkets: New Pieces to Play,Ó in ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 Conference Abstracts and Applications, ACM Press, New Orleans LA, July 2000, p. 90.


111)       Paradiso, J., Hsiao, K. and Benbasat, A., ÒInterfacing to the Foot: Apparatus and Applications,Ó Proc. of the ACM CHI '00 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – Extended Abstracts, ACM Press, The Hague, Netherlands, April 2000, pp. 175-176.


112)       Paradiso, J., Hsiao, K. and Hu, E., "Interactive Music for Instrumented Dancing Shoes," Proc. of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference, Bejing, China, October 1999, pp. 453-456 (Swets and Zeitlinger Distinguished Paper Award of ICMC 1999, honorable mention).


113)       Hsiao, K. and Paradiso, J., "A New Continuous Multimodal Musical Controller Using Wireless Magnetic Tags," Proc. of the 1999 International Computer Music Conference, Bejing, China, October 1999, pp. 24-27.


114)       Paradiso, J. and Hsiao, K., "Swept-Frequency, Magnetically-Coupled Resonant Tags for Realtime, Continuous, Multiparameter Control, " Proc. of the ACM CHI'99 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Extended Abstracts, ACM Press, Pittsburgh PA, May 1999, pp. 212-213.


115)       Ishii, H., Wisneski, C., Orbanes, J. Chun, B. and Paradiso, J., "PingPongPlus: design of an athletic-tangible interface for computer-supported cooperative play," Proc. of the CHI'99 conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, Pittsburgh PA, May 1999, pp. 394-401.


116)       Kymissis, J., Kendall, C., Paradiso, J. and Gershenfeld, N., "Parasitic Power Harvesting in Shoes," Proc. of the Second International Symposium on Wearable Computing, Pittsburgh PA, IEEE Computer Society Press, October 1998, pp. 132-139.


117)       Strickon, J., Rice, P., and Paradiso, J., ÒStretchable Music with Laser Rangefinder,Ó In ACM SIGGRAPH 98 Conference Abstracts and Applications, ACM Press, Orlando, FL, 1998, p. 123.


118)       Strickon, J. and Paradiso, J., "Tracking Hands Above Large Interactive Surfaces with a Low-Cost Scanning Laser Rangefinder," in Proc. of the CHI '98 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Summary, ACM Press, Los Angeles CA, April 1998, pp. 231-232.


119)       Paradiso, J. and Hu, E., "Expressive Footwear for Computer-Augmented Dance Performance," in Proc. of the First International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Cambridge, MA, IEEE Computer Society Press, Oct. 13-14, 1997, pp. 165-166.


120)       Post, E.R., Reynolds, M., Gray, M., Paradiso, J. and Gershenfeld, N., "Intrabody Buses for Data and Power," in Proc. of the First International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Cambridge, MA, IEEE Computer Society Press, Oct. 13-14, 1997, pp. 52-55.


121)   Marrin, T. and Paradiso, J., ÒThe Digital Baton: a Versatile Performance Instrument,Ó Proc. of the 1997 International Computer Music Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, September 1997, pp. 313-316.


122)   Paradiso, J.A. and Sparacino, F., "Optical Tracking for Music and Dance Performance," in Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques IV, Gruen, A. and Kahmen, H., eds., Herbert Wichmann Verlag, Heidelberg Germany, (ETH Zurich) September 1997, pp. 11-18.


123)   Paradiso, J., Abler, C., Hsiao, K. and Reynolds, M., "The Magic Carpet: Physical Sensing for Immersive Environments," Proc. of the CHI '97 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, ACM Press, Atlanta GA, March 1997, pp. 277-278.


124)   Zimmerman, T.G., Smith, J.R., Paradiso, J.A., Allport, D. and Gershenfeld, N., "Applying Electric Field Sensing to Human-Computer Interfaces," Proc. of the CHI '95 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, Denver CO, May 1995, pp. 280-287.


125)   Paradiso, J.A., "Application of a Directed Search to Global Steering of Single Gimbaled CMGs," Proc. of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, New Orleans LA, Aug. 12-14, 1991, pp. 1023-1035.


126)   Dzielski, J., Bergmann, E., Paradiso, J., ÒA Computational Algorithm for Spacecraft Control and Momentum Management,Ó in Proceedings of the 1990 American Control Conference (ACC), Vol. 2, 1990, p 1320-1325.


127)   Paradiso, J.A., "A Highly Adaptable Method of Managing Jets and Aerosurfaces for Control of Aerospace Vehicles," Proc. of the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Boston MA, August 14-16, 1989, pp. 35-44.


128)   Paradiso, J.A., "A Highly Adaptable Steering/Selection Procedure for Combined CMG/RCS Spacecraft Control," 1986 AAS Guidance and Control Conf., Keystone CO, AAS 86-036, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences Vol. 61, Feb. 1986, pp. 263-280.


129)   Walenta, A.H., Fehlmann, J., Hofer, H., Paradiso, J. and Viertel, G., "The Time Expansion Chamber as High Precision Drift Chamber," Proc. of the Int. Conference on Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, 1982, SLAC-SI-82-07, (SLAC-250), Stanford CA, pp. 34-40.



            Other Major Publications: 


Book chapters, invited conference, workshop, and exhibition articles, popular magazine articles


1)    Paradiso, J., ÒOur Extended Sensoria - How Humans Will Connect with The Internet of Things,Ó in The Next Step: Exponential Life, Open Mind Collection, BBVA Press, 2016.


2)    Patel, S., Hodges, S. and Paradiso, J., ÒEnergy Harvesting and Power Management,Ó Guest EditorsÕ Introduction, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 15, No. 4, Oct-Dec 2016, pp. 26-27.


3)    Paradiso, J.A., ÒSpeculating across Scale, from Sensory Landscapes to Radical Subatoms,Ó in Radical Atoms and the Alchemists of our Time, Proc. of Ars Electronica 2016, pp. 22-25.


4)    Hill, E., Cherston, J., Goldfarb F., Paradiso, J, ÒATLAS Data Sonification: A New Interface For Musical Expression And Public Interaction,Ó in Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), 3-10 August 2016, Chicago, USA.


5)    Gillian, N. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒThe Gesture Recognition Toolkit,Ó in Guyon, I., Athitsos, V., and Escalera, S. (eds.), Challenges in Machine Learning Volume 8: Gesture recognition, Microtome Publishing, 2015.


6)    Li, Q, Dublon, G., Mayton, B., and Paradiso, J.A., ÔMarshVis: Visualizing Real-Time and Historical Ecological Data from a Wireless Sensor NetworkÕ in IEEE VIS 2015, Chicago, Illinois.


7)    Dublon, G., Paradiso, J. A., ÒHow a Sensor-Filled World Will Change Human Consciousness,Ó Scientific American, July 2014, pp. 36-41. Cover Article


8)    Ferscha, A., Paradiso, J., Whitaker, R., ÒAttention Management in Pervasive Computing,Ó Guest EditorsÕ Introduction, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 19-21.


9)    Paradiso, J.A., Pering, T. and Schmidt, A., ÒPervasive Interaction,Ó Guest EditorsÕ Introduction, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume 11 Issue 2, April 2012, pp. 12-13.


10) Dublon, G., Pardue, L.S., Mayton, B.D., Swartz, N., Hurst, P., Joliat, N., and Paradiso, J.A., ÒDoppelLab and Digital Excavation,Ó in Leopoldseder H., Stocker, G., and Schopf, C. (eds.), Origin – wie alles beginnt, Ars Electronica 2011 Catalog, August 2011, pp. 112-113.


11) Schmidt, A., Paradiso, J.A. and Noble, B., ÒAutomotive Pervasive Computing,Ó Guest EditorsÕ Introduction, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Volume 10 Issue 3, July 2011, pp. 12-13.


12) Paradiso, J.A., Aldrich, M., Zhao, N., ÒEnergy-efficient control of solid-state lighting,Ó SPIE Newsroom, March 25 2011 ( ).


13) Paradiso, J.A., Dutta, P., Gellerson, H., Schooler, E., ÒGuest Editors' Introduction: Smart Energy Systems,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 1, January-March 2011, pp. 11-12.


14) Lukowicz, P., Baker, M.G., and Paradiso, J., Ò Guest Editors' Introduction: Hostile Environments,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing Vol. 9, No. 4 (October 2010), pp. 13-15.


15) Reben, A., Laibowitz, M., Gong, N-W, and Paradiso, J., ÒUbiquitous Sensor Network Navigator,Ó in Human Nature, Proc. of Ars Electronica 2009, Hatje-Cantz (Austria), p. 340.


16) Paradiso, J.A., and Landay, J.A., ÒGuest EditorsÕ Introduction: Cross-Reality Environments,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3, July-September 2009, pp. 14-15.


17) Prabal Dutta, Mark Feldmeier, Jay Taneja, Joseph Paradiso, and David Culler, ÒEnergy Metering for Free: Augmenting Switching Regulators for Real-Time Monitoring,Ó in the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED'08), Design Contest, Bangalore, India. August 11-13, 2008, 7 pages. Design Contest Winner


18) Paradiso, J.A., Heidemann, J., and Zimmerman, T.G., ÒGuest Editors' Introduction: Hacking is Pervasive,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September 2008, pp. 13-15.


19) Eric von Hippel and Joseph A. Paradiso, ÒUser Innovation and Hacking,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 7, No. 3, July-September 2008, pp. 66-69.


20) Paradiso, J.A., Sensor Architectures for Interactive Environments, in Deleaney, K. (ed), Augmented Materials  & Smart Objects: Building Ambient Intelligence Through Microsystems Technologies, Chapter 16, Springer, 2008, pp. 345-362.


21) Paradiso, J., Boriello, G., and Bonato, P., ÒGuest Editors' Introduction: Implantable Electronics,Ó IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 7, No. 1, January-March 2008, pp. 12-13.


22) Paradiso, J.A., ÒDesigning and Building Ubiquitous Sensor Systems,Ó in Pervasive Computing Tutorials (Krumm J. and Pfeifer, T. eds.), Multicon Lecture Notes – No. 5, Multicon Verlag, Berlin, pp. 36-98, May 16, 2007.


23) Lifton, J., Mittal, M, Lapinski, M., Paradiso, J.A., ÒTricorder: A mobile sensor network browser,Ó in the Workshop on Mobile Spatial Interaction at ACM CHI 2007, San Jose, CA, 28 April - 3 May 2007, 4 pages.


24) Paradiso, J.A., ÒEnergy Harvesting for Mobile Computing,Ó in the Proc. of Power To Go, Fraunhofer Symposium Mikroenergietechnik, October 10, 2006 in Berlin, Germany, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, pp. 72-101.


25) Olgu’n Olgu’n, D., Paradiso, J.A., and Pentland, A., ÒWearable Communicator Badge: Designing a New Platform for Revealing Organizational Dynamics,Ó Proc. of Student Colloquium Proposals of the 10th International IEEE Symposium on Wearable Computing (ISWC), Montreux, Switzerland, October 11-14, 2006, pp. 4-6.


26) Paradiso, J.A., ÒSystems for Human-Powered Mobile Computing,Ó in the Proc. of the IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC2006), San Francisco, CA, July 24-26, 2006, pp. 645-650.


27) Berkson E., Aylward R., Zachazewski, J, Paradiso J., Gill, T.J., ÒIMU Arrays: The Biomechanics of Baseball Pitching,Ó in the Orthopaedic Journal at Harvard Medical School, Vol. 8, November 2006, pp. 90-94.


28) Paradiso, J.A., ÒSome Novel Applications for Wireless Inertial Sensors,Ó in Proc. of NSTI Nanotech 2006, Vol. 3, Boston, MA, May 7-11, 2006, pp. 431-434.


29) Paradiso, J.A., ÒWireless Sensing at the Frontiers of Pervasive and Social Computing,Ó in Lifestyle Revolution Brought by Emerging Technology, the Proc. of the NEC Technology Conference, Tokyo Japan, April 13-14, 2006, pp. 49-84.


30) Paradiso, J.A., ÒNew Sensor Architectures for Things That Think,Ó in Microcomputer Applications for Information and Communication Technology, the Proc. of the Anniversary Symposium: 20 Years Fraunhofer IIS, Franhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Erlangen, Germany, July 1, 2005, pp. 20-22.


31) Paradiso, J.A., ÒNew Sensor Architectures for Responsive Environments,Ó in the Proc. of the IEE seminar on Intelligent Environments, Colchester UK, June 28, 2005, pp. 15-24.


32) Paradiso, J.A., ÒSensate Media,Ó in the Communications of the ACM, Vol. 48, No. 3, March 2005, p. 70.


33) Paradiso, J.A., ÒFrom Tangibles to Toolkits and Chaos to Convection - Management and Innovation at Leading Design Organizations and Idea LabsÓ in Boland, R.J. and Collopy, F., Managing as Designing, Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, CA, 2004, Chapter 21, pp. 174-178.


34) Starner, T. and Paradiso, J.A., Human Generated Power for Mobile Electronics, in Piguet, C. (ed), Low-Power Electronics, CRC Press, Chapter 45, 2004, pp. 45-1-45-35.


35) Paradiso, J., ÒModular Synthesizer,Ó in Stocker, G., and Schopf, C. (eds), Timeshift (Proc. of Ars Electronica 2004), Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern-Ruit, Germany, 2004, pp. 364-370.


36) Paradiso, J.A., ÒWearable Wireless Sensing for Interactive Media,Ó in the Proc. of the First International Workshop on Wearable & Implantable Body Sensor Networks (invited keynote address), Imperial College, London, April 6-7, 2004, pp. 30-31.


37) Laibowitz, M., and Paradiso, J., ÒWireless Wearable Transceivers,Ó Circuit Cellar, #163 February 2004, pp. 28-39.


38) Strickon, J. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒEmerging Technologies at SIGGRAPH 2003,Ó (Guest EditorsÕ Introduction), IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan-Feb. 2004, pp. 24-25.


39) Paradiso, J.A., ÒDual-Use Technologies for Electronic Music Controllers: A Personal Perspective,Ó in Proc. of the Second International Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-03), May 22-24, 2003 (invited keynote address), Montreal, Canada, pp. 228-234.


40) Morris, S.J. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒA Compact Wearable Sensor Package for Clinical Gait MonitoringÓ, in Motorola Offspring Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, January 31, 2003, pp. 7-15.


41) Paradiso, J.A., "Several Sensor Approaches that Retrofit Large Surfaces for Interactivity," Paper presented at the UbiComp 2002 Workshop on Collaboration with Interactive Walls and Tables, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 29, 2002, 8 pages.


42) Paradiso, J.A., ÒThe Edge of NIME - from Cult to Conference,Ó organizer's introduction, in Proc. of the First International Conf. on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME-02), Dublin Ireland, May 24-26, 2002, pp. iii-v. 


43) Paradiso, J., "Diary of a Teenage Synth Hacker," Forward to Kettlewell, B., Electronic Music Pioneers, ProMusic Press, Vallejo, CA, 2002, pp. 4-9.


44) Lifton, J., Broxton, M., and Paradiso, J., ÒAn Implementation of Distributed Unconnected Graph Determination in Sensor Networks,Ó MIT Amorphous Computing paper, 11 pages. ( )


45) Paradiso, J.A., ÒResponsive Window,Ó in Takeover - Proc. of Ars Electronica 2001, Springer Vienna/New York, 2001, pp. 261-263. 


46) Feldmeier, M. and Paradiso, J.A., ÒUltra-Low-Cost Wireless Motion Sensors for Musical Interaction with Very Large Groups,Ó paper presented at the UBICOMP 2001 Workshop on Designing Ubiquitous Computing Games, Atlanta GA, Sept. 2001, 6 pages.


47) Paradiso, J., Hsiao, K. and Benbasat, A., "Tangible Music Interfaces Using Passive Magnetic

Tags," paper in the juried workshop on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, ACM CHI '01 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference, Seattle WA, May 2001, 4 pages.


48) Paradiso, J., "FootNotes: Personal Reflections on the Development of Instrumented Dance Shoes and their Musical Applications,Ó in Quinz, E., ed., Digital Performance, Anomalie, digital_arts Vol. 2, Anomos, Paris, 2002, pp. 34-49.


49) Paradiso, J.A., ÒRenewable Energy Sources for the Future of Mobile and Embedded ComputingÓ Invited talk given at the Computing Continuum Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 16, 2000, published in the Universal Library ( 


50) Paradiso, J., "American Innovations in Electronic Musical Instruments," invited article in the New Music Box, monthly online periodical of New Music USA, October 1999.


51) Paradiso, J., Hu, E. and Hsiao, K., ÒThe CyberShoe: A Wireless Multisensor Interface for a Dancer's Feet,Ó in Proc. of International Dance and Technology (IDAT) 99, Tempe AZ, Feb. 26-28, 1999, FullHouse Publishing, Columbus OH, May 2000, pp. 67-60.


52) Paradiso, J., Hu, E., Hsiao, K., "Instrumented Footwear for Interactive Dance," Proc. of the XII Colloquium on Musical Informatics, Gorizia, Italy, September 24-26, 1998, pp. 89-92.



53) Paradiso, J., "Getting the Picture," Guest Editor's introduction for the special issue on I/O devices, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 18, No. 3, May-June 1998, pp. 26-27.


54) Paradiso, J., Book review for "Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century," by M. Kaku, Physics Today, Vol. 51, No. 9, September 1998, pp. 66-67.


55) Davenport, G., Agamanolis, S., Bradley, B., Paradiso, J., Spitzer, S., ÒAt the Edge of DreamLand: Media Encounters in Architectural Venues,Ó in Proceedings of the ISEA Õ97 Conference, Chicago, 22 – 27 September 1997.


56) Burke, S., Paradiso, J., "High-Resolution Piezopolymer Acoustic Bearing Estimator," Proceedings of the Second Technical Conference on Telecommunications R&D in Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts, Lowell MA, March 12, 1996, 13 pages.


57) Smith, J.R., Paradiso, J.A., Zimmerman, T.G., Gershenfeld, N.A., ÒActivating Space with Electric Field Sensing,Ó Technical Sketch presented and demonstrated at SIGGRAPH 95, August 6-11, 1995, Los Angeles, CA, 2 pages.


58) Paradiso, J., ÒGEM Muon Alignment Technology,Ó in the Proc. of the Meeting of the CMS Collaboration, James West Center, UCLA, February 2-4, 1994, pp. 863-891.



59) Paradiso, J. and Marlow, D., "Electronics for the Precision Alignment of the GEM Muon System," Proc. of the 1994 LeCroy Electronics for Future Colliders Conference, LeCroy Corp., Chestnut Ridge NY, May 1994, pp. 235-249.


60) Paradiso, J. and Goodwin, D., "Wide-Range Precision Alignment for the GEM Muon System," Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment, Annecy, France, CERN publication, September 1993, pp. 131-138.


61) Wuest, C., et al., "The GEM Detector Projective Alignment Simulation System," Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Accelerator Alignment, Annecy, France, CERN publication, September 1993, pp. 139-146.



Formal Archived Technical Reports (ATLAS, SSC Lab, Draper Lab, LNS, CERN, LEP, BNL)


62) Armstrong, W.W., et al, ÒATLAS: Technical Proposal For A General-Purpose P-P Experiment At The Large Hadron Collider At CERN,Ó CERN-LHCC-94-43, Dec 1994.


63) Guyot, C., Korporaal, A., Linde, F., Paradiso, J., Schuylenburg, H., Van der Graaf, H., Werneke, P., "Concepts for the Mechanical Realization of the ATLAS Muon Chamber Alignment," ATL-MUON-94-062, ATLAS Collaboration technical note, Dec. 8, 1994.


64) Paradiso, J., "Application of Miniature Cameras in Video Straightness Monitor Systems," GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM-TN-94-608, June 1994.


65) Paradiso, J. "Testing and Development of Extended Range Straightness Monitor Systems," GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM-TN-93-331, May 1994.


66) Paradiso, J., "A Simple Technique for Measuring Axial Displacement in Stretched-Wire Alignment Systems," GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM-TN-94-607, May 1994.


67) Belser, F.C., et al, ÒCathode Strip Chamber Interface with Support Structure for SSC GWM Detector Muon Subsystem,Ó GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM TN-93-510, December 8, 1993.


68) Belser, F.C., et al, ÒÕ24/36/48Õ Cathode Strip Chamber Layout for SSC GEM Detector Muon Subsystem,Ó GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM TN-93-518, December 15, 1993.


69) Paradiso, J., "Synchronous Proximity Detection for Stretched-Wire Alignment Systems," GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM-TN-93-447, August 1993.


70) Lefmann, W.C., et al, ÒGEM Technical Design Report,Ó GEM-TN-93-262, SSCL-SR-1219, Apr 1993.


71) Paradiso, J., "Analysis of an Alignment Scheme for the GEM Muon Barrel," GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM-TN-92-150, October 1992.


72) Paradiso, J., "Alignment Requirements for the GEM Muon Detector," GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM-TN-92-125, June 1992.


73) Paradiso, J., "Some Alignment Concepts for the GEM Muon Array," GEM Collaboration Report (SSCL), GEM-TN-92-124, June 1992.


74) My presentations have been archived in the following GEM collaboration meeting compilation documents:


ÒAlignment ConceptsÓ in GEM Muon Group Meeting – Tucson (GEM TN-9280, March 8, 1992),


ÒChamber Alignment at the TTRÓ in Muon Group Meeting – SSCL (GEM TN-92-102, April 29, 1992),


ÒExtended Range Alignment at DraperÓ in GEM Muon Group Meeting – Duncanille, TX, (GEM TN-93-287, February 3, 1993)


ÒGEM Muon Alignment and Suggestions,Ó in GEM Muon Engineering Status Meeting – SSCL, (GEM TN93-397, April 15, 1993)


ÒAlignmentÓ in GEM Muon Review Meeting – SSCL, (GEM TN-93381, March 16, 1993)


ÒAlignment Analysis,Ó in GEM SSCL/Muon Meeting – San Diego, CA (GEM TN-93-415, May 11, 1993)


ÒMore Muon Alignment,Ó in GEM Muon Review Meeting –SSCL, (GEM TN-93-433, June 30, 1993).


75) Paradiso, J., "Triggering the e-gamma Calorimeter at the LHC", L3 note 1195, April 1992.


76) Paradiso, J., "A Search-Based Approach to Steering Single Gimbaled CMGs," Draper Laboratory Technical Report, CSDL-R-2261, August 1991.


77) Ting, S.C.C., et al, ÒLetter Of Intent To The Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory By The L* Collaboration,Ó SSCL-SR-1154, SSC-LOI0002, Nov 1990.


78) Ting, S.C.C., et al, ÒExpression Of Interest To The Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory By The L* Collaboration,Ó SSCL-SR-1165, SSC-EOI0010, May 1990.


79) Paradiso, J., "Application of Linear Programming to Coordinated Management of Jets and Aerosurfaces for Aerospace Vehicle Control," Draper Laboratory Technical Report, CSDL-R-2065, November 1988.


80) Paradiso, J., "Performance & Applications of a Hybrid Jet Selection & CMG Steering Law Based on Linear Programming," Draper Laboratory Technical Report, CSDL-R-1901, October 1986.


81) Paradiso, J., "A Highly Adaptable Steering/Selection Procedure for Combined CMG/RCS Spacecraft Control - Detailed Report," Draper Laboratory Technical Report, CSDL-R-1835, March 1986.


82) Paradiso, J. "Compilation of Data on the Current TEC Analog Electronics," L3 Collaboration Technical Note 277, October 1983.


83) Fehlmann, J., Paradiso, J., Viertel, G., ÒWIRCHA: A Program Package to Simulate Drift Chambers,Ó L3 Collaboration Technical Note 146, March 1983.


84) Fehlmann, J., Hawelka, P., Linnhofer, D., Paradiso, J., Viertel, G., ÒStatus Report on Gas Studies at ETH-Z,Ó L3 Collaboration Technical Note 146, March 1983.


85) Paradiso, J., "A Proposed Design for a Flash Digitization System to be Used With 3-Wire TEC Configurations," L3 Collaboration Technical Note 132, March 31, 1982.


86) Fehlmann, J., Paradiso, J., Viertel, G., ÒNew Results on TEC Development,Ó L3 Collaboration Technical Note 88, April 1982.


87) Fehlmann, J., Paradiso, J., Viertel, G., ÒDrift velocities and spatial distributions of Electrons in several Gas mixtures,Ó L3 Collaboration Technical Note 83, February 1982.


88) Fehlmann, J., Paradiso, J., Viertel, G., ÒStatus report on TEC Development,Ó L3 Collaboration Technical Note 81, February 1982.


89) Paradiso, J.A., ÒMechanical Accuracy Of Large Frames Achieved By Computer Feedback,Ó in Proc. of the 1981 Isabelle Summer Workshop, Volume 4, Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL 51443, July 30-31, 1981, pp. 1283-1308.


90) Becker, U. and Paradiso, J., "Dynamic Compensation of Small Errors in Drift Chamber Positioning using an Optical CCD-Based System," MIT Lab for Nuclear Science Report, MIT LNS TR-121, August 18, 1981.


91) Vanucci, F., et. al., "Evidence for 2g Processes at the ISR," CERN-EP/80-82 (1980).


92) Barber, D.P., et al, ÒThe First Year of Mark-J at PETRA,Ó in the 1979 Lake Tahoe Proceedings, Two-photon Interactions (pp. 126-173) and MIT LNS Report LNS-107.


93) Paradiso, J., "Characteristics of Muon Pair Production in P-P Collisions at Very High Energies as a Probe of Proton Constituents," PhD Thesis, MIT Physics Dept., April 1981.


94) Wexler, J. and Paradiso, J., ÒExtensions to, and Implementation of, ÔA Methodology for Configuring Distributed Real Time Microcomputer Systems with Application to Inertial Navigation SystemsÕ,Ó Draper Laboratory Technical Report, CSDL-78-010, October 1976.



Draper Lab Technical Memoranda


95) Paradiso, J., "Design and Test of a Simple Peak-Gated Sampler," Draper Intralab Memorandum ESC-93-310, November 23, 1993.


96) Paradiso, J., "Backgammon Electronics: Past, Present, & Future," Draper Intralab Memorandum EJC-91-1100, October 13, 1991.


97) Paradiso, J., "The Backgammon Timing/Gating Utility," Draper Intralab Memorandum EJC 91-1101, October 12, 1991.


98) Paradiso, J., "The Quadrature Sampler," Draper Intralab Memorandum EJC 91-1029, May 30, 1991.


99) Paradiso, J., "Electronics for Testing the Wideband Monopulse Sonar," Draper Intralab Memorandum EJB-91-029, March 20, 1991.


100)       Paradiso, J., "Sonar Application of a Quadrature-Sampled Interpolation Beamformer," Draper Intralab Memorandum EJB 90-191, December 31, 1990.


101)       Paradiso, J., "Methods of Smoothing CMG Gimbal Rates Calculated by Linear Programming," Draper Intralab Memorandum SpaceStation-87-20, November 20, 1987.


102)       Paradiso, J., "Characteristics of Candidate Reaction Wheel Configurations for Satellite Attitude Control," Draper Intralab Memorandum NRL-87-1, October 1, 1987.


103)       Paradiso, J., "Selection and Management of Magnetically Gimbaled CARES Gyroscopes via Linear Programming," Draper Intralab Memorandum SpaceStation-86-19, December 1, 1986.


104)       Paradiso, J., ÒAn Efficient OFS-Compatible Kinematic Model for Generalized CMGs,Ó Draper Intralab Memorandum SpaceStation 85-9, March 25, 1985.


105) Paradiso, J., ÒVersatek Software,Ó Draper Intralab Memorandum MX/S-005, August 1, 1977.


106) Paradiso, J., ÒSigma 5 Calcomp Plotting Package,Ó Draper Intralab Memorandum TEST-099-75, August 15, 1975.



Other Technical Reports


107)  Paradiso, J., Borque, L., Bramsen, P., Laibowitz, M., Ma, H., and Malinowski, M., ÒSensing Systems for Glass Ceramic Cooktops,Ó Internal MIT Media Lab Report, July 18, 2003 (38 p).


108)  Paradiso, J., "Penn and Teller SŽance Electronics," detailed description of the Media Lab's Sensor Chair design, Internal MIT Media Lab Report, December 1994 (68 p).


109)  Paradiso, J., ÒDevelopment of a t Trigger,Ó ETHZ and L3P Collaboration Final Report, October 30, 1992 (41 p).


110)  Paradiso, J., "Oberheim 4-Voice MIDI Interface; Users Manual," Report for Lyle Mays, Inc, September 1991 (47 p).


111)  Paradiso, J., "The Complete Technical Guide to WMFO," a tutorial on the design of a radio studio and associated electronics, March 1987 (283 p).


112)  Paradiso, J., "Reaction Wheel Energy Storage," Draper Laboratory Internal Report, January 17, 1992 (50 p).


113)  Paradiso, J., "A Brief Sketch of Proposed TEC Data Flow," ETH-Zurich Time-Expansion-Chamber (TEC) Group Technical Report, April 29, 1983 (6 p.).


114)  Paradiso, J., "Description of TEC Analysis Utility Routines," ETH-Zurich Time-Expansion-Chamber (TEC) Group Technical Report, April 20, 1983 (16 p).


115)  Paradiso, J., "The Design, Construction, and Operation of an Electronic Music Synthesizer," Tufts University Electrical Engineering Department Undergraduate Special Project Report (Winner of the 1977 Burden Engineering Prize), May 1977 (140 p).




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